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Why There’s Corruption In Civil Service, Jonathan Reveals

Former President Goodluck Jonathan, yesterday, said the fear of unknown in the welfare of public officeholders after retirement was fuelling corruption in the civil service. President Jonathan stated this at the book launch of the former Chaplain of the Aso Rock Villa Chapel, Obioma Onwuzurumba.

The book launch, also featured unveiling of a Day-Care Centre for the elderly, marked Onwuzurumba’s 73rd birthday celebration. Jonathan said: “One of the greatest problems we have in Nigeria and probably that’s why corruption is so pervasive, is that people don’t know what will happen to them tomorrow. So, such people are tempted to say, now that I’m active in service, let me help myself in a bad way,”

Commending the celebrant and his wife for the initiative to launch a day-care Centre for the elderly, Jonathan lamented the lack of care for civil servants, whom he said were not allowed to own businesses, and still weren’t taken care of after retiring from service. He said: “I’m quite happy that you and your wife are creative and have this initiative to build a centre for the elderly. One of the greatest problems we have in Nigeria, and probably that’s why corruption is so perverse, is that people don’t know what will happen to them tomorrow.

“Because there is no welfare system that can manage people. Especially if you look at the people in the security services, for example, today I was listening to one radio commentary. people are tempted to say, now that I am active, let me help myself in a bad way.

“And of course, our laws too, don’t allow civil servants to even have a company, apart from farming. So, you’re not allowed to do business as a civil servant. At the same time, nobody is looking after you and your children when you leave office. So, if Onwuzurumba and others come up with this care for the elderly, we all need to support them.”


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Segun Akinlabi

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