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Dear fellow compatriots, devoted party members, brothers, sisters, valued stakeholders, distinguished dignitaries, esteemed personalities, and prominent champions of our beloved People’s Democratic Party (PDP).


Aren’t we still the people’s choice? Has our people-centric focus dwindled? Is our ideology, driven by compassion, no longer centered on the people?

Have we forgotten too quickly that the PDP stands as the lone defender, protector, and conservator of decency, order, and unity in our beloved nation and beyond? Isn’t it time to dig deep into our books and recognize that something isn’t right, something that demands our immediate attention and resolution?

Do we still hold the belief that our party, the PDP, resides in the hearts of the people as the largest political force in Africa? Why have we seemed to have abandoned the new path, the roadmap for accelerated development charted by the government? Didn’t we pledge to uphold true allegiance, maintain confidentiality, and honor our agreements at all times?

It is our unwavering commitment to the democratic process, the order, due process, and genuine leadership that sets the standards for sustainable development within our party, the PDP. We cannot afford to waver in this dedication.


In the wake of the recent electoral loss and the Supreme Court’s affirmation of the ruling party’s victory in the presidential election, it’s natural to wonder if our faith in our party, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), is still justified. Is this the ship we want to stay on amidst the storms of politics and the uncertainty that surrounds it? These are legitimate doubts, but I’m here to share with you not just five reasons, but an in-depth exploration of why your faith in our party should be rekindled and not abandoned.


Let’s start with the heart of the matter, the leadership we have at the state level. Governor Seyi Makinde is a torchbearer for our party and a beacon of hope for our beloved Oyo State. His dedication to the betterment of our state has been nothing short of remarkable. By giving up on our party, we risk jeopardizing the legacy of his good governance. Our role is clear – to rally around and fully support him.

Governor Makinde’s administration has shown a commitment to good governance, transparency, and progress. The strides he has made in infrastructure development, education, healthcare, and various sectors are visible proof that our party is still capable of delivering the change we desire. We cannot afford to let this opportunity slip through our fingers by losing faith in our party.


Nigeria is not just a nation; it’s our home. It belongs to every citizen, and we all have a stake in its future. If we allow our country to collapse now, what excuse or explanation will we give to the younger generations coming behind us? They will rightfully question our ability to safeguard their future.

ALSO READ: Why DIKKO and Not Anyone Else? Makinde’s Sought-After Choice || By MOE  

It’s a shared responsibility to ensure that Nigeria remains a nation where progress, justice, and equality prevail. Our party, the PDP, has a rich history of advocating for these principles. We’ve stood up for the people, defended decency, and worked to foster unity. These core values must not be forgotten. We must remain committed to the principles that our party was founded on, fellow Champions.


If we allow things to go bad, contrary, and out of shape beyond the ordinary, what gain will that turn for us? Chaos, uncertainty, and social upheaval are the potential outcomes of political apathy. By abandoning our party, we risk creating a void that others may fill with agendas that do not align with our values.

The cost of letting things fall apart is immense. It’s not just the financial toll or the loss of progress; it’s the eroding of the very fabric of our society. The suffering and hardships that our fellow citizens face will only increase. The responsibility to prevent this from happening rests on our shoulders as stakeholders in our party and our nation.


Our party, the PDP, has always been defined by its commitment to people-centric ideology, compassion, and progress. It is easy to forget these values when faced with setbacks, but it’s precisely during challenging times that we need to recenter ourselves and recommit to what we stand for.


Our ideology is not just a set of words on paper; our logo is not merely a fancy design; it’s a promise to the people. It’s a pledge to defend the dignity, rights, and well-being of our citizens. Our umbrella is big enough to accommodate all. By staying true to these values and working collectively, we can bring our party back to its core mission of serving the people.



We must remember that we are not alone in this journey. As members of the PDP, we are part of an unbreakable, unbeatable umbrella that has weathered many storms and emerged stronger each time. Our party’s history is marked by resilience and a commitment to the betterment of our nation.

We have seen the fruits of our unity in the past. Our great party, under the leadership of Governor Makinde and many other prominent leaders, has given birth to many successful initiatives and leaders in their respective domains. This unity, this collective strength, is what makes us formidable and capable of bringing about meaningful change.

In this critical moment, where the need to rescue, unify, and reset Nigeria is paramount, we must stand together and ensure that Nigeria remains a country where everyone can thrive, regardless of their background. We have the potential to be champions of change, guiding our party back to its former glory.


Now, I understand that not a few might be feeling skeptical or disappointed. It’s natural to wonder if our party can deliver on these promises, and if it’s worth continuing the fight. But let me remind you that no one is indispensable, indomitable, or invincible in this journey.

Time is fleeting, and as history unfolds, it will serve as our reference point. Looking ahead, we must consider the legacy we leave behind, for power changes hand sooner or later. Therefore, individual ideologies must align with the collective common sense, converging at the center table to find equilibrium. Mere existence as a political party is insufficient; we must have principled leadership at the helm, driven by conscience, unwavering integrity, and a resolute commitment to serving humanity. It’s this leadership that will pave the way for a better, safer, and cleaner environment, free from the shackles of corruption, egocentrism, mind games, nepotism, favoritism, and godfathering tendencies.

Let me emphasize that our current situation is like a ship sailing through turbulent waters. It’s only when we unite and steer the ship in the right direction that we can find calm seas and reach our destination. The logical conclusion is that to achieve the change we desire, we must work together, despite the challenges that may lie ahead.

Think of it this way – even the most significant achievements in history came at a price. Sacrifices were made, and hardships endured to bring about positive change. We should be ready to make these sacrifices for the betterment of our nation.


As an individual, I’m not a coward, and I’m not afraid to speak the truth when necessary, especially at a time like this. It’s not about me; it’s about us. There’s a common ground that we can find to settle disputes and move forward. We must not let our disagreements divide us; instead, we should focus on the data, logic and approach that can only lead us to the best possible outcomes.

In the grand scheme of things, the logical conclusion to any matter may be deep, painful, sacrificial, and hard to achieve. However, no amount of contributions or sacrifices made on behalf of the majority and minority is too costly to bear. We need to remember that positive change often comes at a price, and we must be willing to pay it.

In closing, I urge you, my fellow party members, to consider the bigger picture. If we allow Nigeria to collapse now, what excuse will we give to the younger generations? If we let things go awry and waste the talents, champions, and emerging leaders in our midst, what kind of legacy are we building for the future?

Remember, we have a responsibility to rescue, unify, and reset our great party and, by extension, our nation. Governor Seyi Makinde is doing his best, and it’s our duty not to let anyone truncate his good governance legacy for the people of Oyo State.

Our nation’s destiny, our party’s path, and our collective future are within our grasp. It’s a moment to reignite the spark of hope and unwavering commitment. Together, we can shape a more promising and prosperous Nigeria for every citizen. Through our united efforts within our esteemed party, we can work towards realizing the country and state we aspire to create..

Let’s wake up!!! 

I must express, for the sake of my deep respect for my country, state, and the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), that I write this piece with a heavy heart.

Yours in service,

Egalitarian Dig. Com. Moyosoreoluwa Olamilekan Eldreez, codenamed Ijoba Authority Moe Dynasty, writing from Ibadan North East Constituency, Home of Generals.

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