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15 Funny And Wise African Proverbs To Make You Laugh and Learn More

We present these hilarious and wise African proverbs that will be leaving you laughing so hard you might pee in your pants.

Here are some hilarious African proverbs ever thought of from across the continent:

1. The man who marries a beautiful woman and the farmer who grows corn by the roadside have the same problem. (Ghana)

2. The day a mosquito lands on your testicles is the day you will know there is a better way of resolving issues without using violence. (Senegal )

3. There’s no virgin in a maternity ward. (Cameroon)

4. A child can play with its mother’s breasts but not with the father’s testicles. (Ghana)

5. He who says that nothing lasts forever has never tried Hausa perfume. (Nigeria)

6. The anger of a p*nis cannot destroy the v*gina. (Zimbabwe)

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7. When you see a woman sitting with her legs open, never tell her to close them, because you do not know her source of fresh air. (Ethiopia)

8. The only woman who knows where her man is every night is a widow. (Togo)

9. An erected p*nis has no conscience.(Uganda)

10. If you go to sleep with an itching anus, you are sure to wake up with smelly fingers. (Kenya)

11. The monkey who tries to see the hunter clearly collects bullets in its eyes (Nigeria)

12. The frowning of a he-goat does not stop it from being priced.

13. If the sun claims superiority over the moon, let it shine at night.

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14. A hen does not expect warning to hide it’s chicks from the kite.

15. A man does not test the depth of a river with both legs.

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