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The Harsh Reality: Nigerian Woman Says Today’s Men Are Not Like Their Fathers, Advises Women to Be Prepared

A marriage therapist, Kate Chinagorom Eze, has urged single ladies to get a job so they can save money before marriage.


According to her, it is necessary because the current generation of men are not like the older ones who went above and beyond to provide for their families

She stated that women should stop looking for men to take care of them, rather they should work hard to pay their own bills

“Dear single ladies, I will say it again and again. This generation of Men are not like our Fathers who kpiaed for their families just like you have refused to be like our Mothers who also played their role. As you are changing, the men are changing to worse,” she wrote in a Facebook post on Monday.

“So if you continue looking for a man who will pay your bills even when you are messing up like our Fathers did , Aunty you are wasting your time. Your coaches can continue making you feel like an untouchables in their post, reality is setting in

“Get up and work. Save Money and be ready for marriage. Make sure you don’t enter marriage empty handed.


The shege promax you will see will be more than what you claimed your Mother saw because your mother won with submission and respect but with your woke Attitude, life may be more difficult.

The signs are always there but as usual, my gender will ignore it and start shouting 6 months after.”

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Segun Akinlabi

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