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Road Users Lament Deplorable State of Takie-Ogbomoso Expressway

The condition of Takie-Ogbomoso High School axis of Ogbomoso-Oyo old road has become unbearable for trailers and other commuters over serious gridlocks which cover over 40 kilometres.

Finding revealed that some trailers drivers had spent two to three days on spots over the gridlocks.

It was also gathered that trailers that fell in the area following deplorable state of the road worsens the situation.
Some drivers who spoke with BCOS correspondent in Ogbomoso, Aderemi Akanmu lamented the hardship they encounter on the particular road, appealing to federal government and other relevant authorities to come to the aid of drivers and other travellers by repairing the spoilt portions.

The situation has prevented vehicular and human movements in Ogbomoso, and it also led to the high transportation fare, as commercial drivers and riders were plying alternative routes to Ajaawa and Ejigbo in Osun state before heading to Oyo or Ibadan.

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It was observed that if the situation is not urgently addressed, roads within Ogbomoso and economy situation of the town will be affected totally.


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Segun Akinlabi

Media Blogger

EgalitarianVoice is a subsidiary of EGALITARIAN MEDIA HUB, it is a blog that keeps you up to date latest news and updates all around the world.

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The site is managed by Egalitarian Segun AKINLABI who is the Editor-in-chief, others editors from Egalitarian Team Oyo State, Nigeria.


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