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Political Gladiators, Friends and Family Celebrates BASA’s Birthday

….another year of service and leadership 

Hon. Bolanle Aminat Sarumi-A.A. (BASA), a renowned Oyo State Governorship aspirant, celebrated her birthday on March 22, 2025, surrounded by love and appreciation from her associates, friends, and family. This celebration is a testament to BASA’s significant impact and influence, cementing her position as a respected leader and Political Gladiator in Oyo State politics.

As a gubernatorial hopeful, BASA has consistently demonstrated her commitment to serving the people of Oyo State. Her selfless service, visionary leadership, and unwavering dedication have earned her recognition and admiration from various stakeholders. Akinlabi Segun, CEO of Egalitarian Voice, joins in celebrating BASA’s special day, acknowledging her tireless efforts to create positive change in Oyo State.


BASA’s birthday celebration is not just a milestone; it’s a reminder of her remarkable contributions to Oyo State’s growth and development. Here are some heartfelt wishes:

Happy Birthday, BASA! “May your day be filled with love, joy, and all your favorite things. You deserve it!”
Celebrating a True Leader! “BASA, your tireless efforts to make Oyo State a better place for all are truly admirable. Here’s to another year of inspiring leadership!”

Join us in wishing BASA a happy birthday and a fantastic year ahead.


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Segun Akinlabi

Media Blogger

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