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A weakened condition brought about by prolonged lack of food.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 10 per cent of the world population suffers from hunger. The rate of undernourished people has grown steadily over the past 2 years by 150 million people with as many as 828 million suffering from hunger in 2021.

Ending world hunger, under nutrition and malnutrition is number 2 on the 10 point agenda of the United Nations before 2030; this goal is fast becoming unfeasible.

The rapid rates of decline in food security owes to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus and its adverse effects on the world economy. Nigeria is one of the countries with the highest hunger rate stated for about 12.7 per cent of the total population. It is high time we curb this disease that’s slowly taking ground in our world and the Ibadan Food Bank Initiative aims at doing that.

The IBADAN FOOD BANK Initiative in partnership with several NGOs across Ibadan held the “Ibadan Walk for Hunger” a 9km walk from Molete to Mokola. The walk aimed at advocating and raising funds for the hungry while putting an end to food loss and waste. It was also a celebration of humanitarians and volunteers doing amazing work round the globe.

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Segun Akinlabi

Media Blogger

EgalitarianVoice is a subsidiary of EGALITARIAN MEDIA HUB, it is a blog that keeps you up to date latest news and updates all around the world.

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The site is managed by Egalitarian Segun AKINLABI who is the Editor-in-chief, others editors from Egalitarian Team Oyo State, Nigeria.


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