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A Chieftain of the PDP and prominent Leader in in Oyo State political firmament, has reacted In sharp contradiction to the widespread rumour which emanated through some quarters about JDS and matters relating to Oyo 2027 governorship , Adurodekun boldly stated in unequivocal terms , that the various clarion calls unto the visionary patriot, Chief Jubril Dotun Sanusi, to come out and vie for the Oyo 2027 governorship bid has been self determination of vast preponderance of people , who truly desire uninterrupted good governance in Oyo State politics and leadership.


In the Press Release issued, Chief Adurodekun explained that the various deafening calls from numerous quarters was borne out of genuiness of purpose by those involved, from that need, to ensure Oyo State does not fall into wrong hands of successor to the incumbent governor, Engineer Oluseyi Makinde, who has unimpeachably raised the standard of governance through some historic achievements .


The PDP chieftain told Members of the public to be aware that the calls unto JDS is simply discretionary, , which at this stage has not got anything to do with the symbol of the agenda ,Chief Dotun Sanusi (JDS) himself . In his statement as stated “May I state categorically clear that JDS is being appealed to come and serve Oyo State in the capacity as a Governor, in the collective interest for progress and good governance assured from the hopeful leadership”.


It may therefore not out of place to express lucidly that Chief Dotun Sanusi or any member the family will not be justified to instruct us to stop such invitation , since none of those clamouring for JDS governorship was at any point in time engaged to do so . We were just impulsed to remarkable positive socio-economic and political contributions that “Ilaji” has visited on Oyo state within the space of time in public domain as a private person , despite not occupying public office .


We are not unaware of the fact that JDS has not engaged in tremendous philanthropic and huge developmental contributions for political reasons, but as an inherent statesmanship quality to impact the world around him . It will therefore not be out of place if such personality is considered appropriate to occupy the coveted seat, where he will definitely do more for the good people of Oyo State . .Waheed Adurodekun added that the recent and on-going self financed Interlocking of a section of road from Amuloko to Akanran in Ona Ara LG is , an awesome further attestation to the justified reasons for the clarion call .


While it is yet to ascertain the veracity of the claim from JDS himself , Chief Adurodekun courageously stated that the machination of certain political interests, who are threatened by the intimidating profile and records of Chief Dotun Sanusi will not be allowed to suppress this collective desire ,as various shades of opinion and groups that desire JDS as governor , will continue to clamour for his participation and consideration to serve his people , whom he cares so much about.,with the governorship invitation,


“Everyone knows Chief Dotun Sanusi (JDS) as at present is not a member of any political party and has not at any point in time declared his interest to vie for the governorship despite the resounding calls and invitation from well meaning populace of Oyo State , therefore he will not dis-engage those he has not engaged as being woven for reasons best known to those purveyor of such information .


There is no doubting the fact that Chief Dotun Sanusi stands out to sustain the legacies of the incumbent administration with capacity and capability to lead Oyo State further on the path of progress already set in motion and as thus we will not be discouraged by machinations from whatever quarters to inhibit the collective will of the populace as regards Oyo 2027 governorship and JDS .


The strong proponent of JDS 2027 governorship humbly implore the esteemed members of Chief Dotun Sanusi ‘s family, who may unknowingly be subject in the hands of those would be contenders ,who are already intimidated by his profile , to discourage the man from accepting this collective will divinely orchestrated , to rather see the various clarion calls as a thing of joy for the entire Sanusi’s family , that they have a proud and illustrious son , who is being largely and favourablly considered for the state’s number one position.


Though, Chief Dotun Sanusi lineage and family view must be respected and cannot be ignored , Adurodekun explained that JDS has emerged a public figure , that has certainly risen above the enclave limited to family opinion , moreover when majority of the family members are in line with the call to have their family name imprinted on the sands of political history, to be bequeathed to coming generations .


He availed the Press Release to encourage Numerous admirers of JDS and avowed lovers of Oyo State , who have express confidence in JDS, to provide the needed sustainable leadership to please ignore any purported and unsubstantiated news relating to JDS withdrawal from governorship race as he has not even entered the race talk less of withdrawal . This was just a design and machination of those , who want to foist themselves on the people as against someone , who is being invited for the public assignment based on his track records .


As one of the prominent political figures, Chief Adurodekun implored the good people of Oyo State to continue to pray that Chief Dotun Sanusi heed unto this calls becoming deafening daily and the collective good people of oyo State will be happy , having change of baton from one good administration to another .

Itesiwaju Oyo Ma D’otun ni 2027 !!!


Chief Waheed Adurodekun

PDP Chieftain

Tuesday,13th August,2024.

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