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OCAT Urges Governments to Boost ICT Access at Grassroot Levels

Olusegun C. A. Taiwo, a young IT and Multimedia consultant and the Director of OCATTECH Ventures in Oyo State, is calling on the government to push for better access to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in rural areas. He also wants international investors to work with local people to grow ICT in Nigeria.

After a recent summit in Ibadan on Artificial Intelligence, OCAT stressed that closing the gap between cities and rural areas is urgent. He believes that everyone needs to be included in the digital world for the economy to grow and for young people to find jobs.


He said, “ICT is key to a strong economy today. But many rural areas in Nigeria don’t have the basic tools or skills to join the digital economy. We need governments and private investors to team up to give these communities what they need to thrive.”


OCAT suggested several ways to help which include setting up ICT hubs in rural areas, making internet access affordable, and teaching digital skills in schools. He thinks these steps could create jobs and help local folks use technology for farming, education, and starting businesses.


“There has to be a grassroots ICT movement in Nigeria, especially in Oyo State. This needs public and private cooperation. The government should lead, but businesses and international investors must pitch in too,” he added.

ALSO READ: Media and Politics: Two Parallel Lines That Meet, Exploring the Intersection of Power, Integrity and Democracy— By OCAT  

He encouraged international investors and tech companies to partner with local firms like OCATTECH Ventures, ORABTECH, Egalitarian Services Limited and many more in Oyo State. He pointed out the great potential in Nigeria’s less developed areas, calling them untapped markets for tech solutions in education, health, farming, and commerce.

ALSO READ: GBF: 3 Things COP15 Must Achieve To Be Deemed Successful

“Global tech companies have a chance to make a real difference while also seeing good returns. By teaming up with local businesses, they can help change lives, spark new ideas, and boost the economy,” he said.

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Segun Akinlabi

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