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Feb28: Friends And Families Members Felicitates With Miss Anuoluwapo on her Birthday

The entire friends and families of Ogebule has fecilitated with their Amazon, Ogebule Anuoluwapo tomiwa(ARIKE) on the occasion of her birthday celebration.

In their birthday messages to the celebrant, Mr and Mrs Ogebule described, Miss Ogebule Anuoluwapo Tomiwa (ARIKE) as a young lady who is full of passion of the betterment of individual and someone who have great delight in service to humanity.

“Anuoluwapo is an hardworkinding and a jovial young lady with an heart of humanity, especially, with her various humanitarian services even though she is currently looking up to God for perfect life direction.

It is our prayer that this year birthday will mark a new beginning of success in sound health and prosperity”, Mr and Mrs Ogebule prayed.

Many of Anuoluwapo’s friends also showers their prayers upon her as she celebrate her birthday today.

CEO, Egalitarian Voice Media also described Anuoluwapo as a young lady full of passion and integrity

Long life to her…..

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Segun Akinlabi

Media Blogger

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