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FACT-CHECK: What Your Bank Will Not Tell You

FACT-CHECK: What Your Bank Will Not Tell You


So many Nigerians think that their Next of Kin is the automatic heir to their bank accounts.

But the truth is that if your Next Of Kin is not a signatory to your account, and you don’t have a written will to determine that person’s legitimacy, the person will not have access to that money at all. 

Your bank will have to go through a process called a LEGAL PROBATE.

This Probate period helps them determine who gets the MONEY In your account.

This is a very lengthy and expensive process.

Even after the whole process is done, your family will have to forfeit some very reasonable amount of the money for legal fees.


But if you want to avoid this, simply request for your bank to give you something called a POD form.

POD stands for “PAYABLE ON DEATH”.

The name of the person you fill in that POD form will determine who will get your money.

All the person needs to bring is a death certificate to get that money out.

With a POD form, you will save your family the stress of going through all that lengthy legal process and even losing some money to the Law.

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Segun Akinlabi

Media Blogger

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