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DO’s and DON’Ts of Lent: A Guide to a More Meaningful Season and Spiritual Growth  

The Lenten season is a time for spiritual growth, reflection, and renewal. Here are some traditional DO’s and DON’Ts to help you deepen your faith:


  1.  Pray: Attend special church services, pray the Stations of the Cross, and engage in personal prayer and reflection.
  2.  Fast: Abstain from certain foods or habits, like meat on Fridays, to discipline yourself and focus on spiritual growth.
  3. Give: Engage in acts of charity, volunteer, and donate to those in need.
  4. Reflect: Examine your life, seek forgiveness, and strive to become a better person.
  5. Attend Church Services: Participate in special Lenten services, such as Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, and Holy Week services.


  1. Don’t Eat Meat on Fridays: Abstain from meat on Fridays, especially on Good Friday.
  2.  Don’t Indulge in Luxuries: Avoid excessive spending, luxury, and worldly pleasures.
  3. Don’t Gossip or Speak Ill: Refrain from gossiping, speaking ill of others, or engaging in negative conversations.
  4.  Don’t Be Prideful: Humble yourself, acknowledge your weaknesses, and seek forgiveness.
  5.  Don’t Forget to Forgive: Let go of grudges, forgive others, and seek forgiveness from those you’ve wronged.

Additional Tips:

– Set aside time for reflection: Schedule time for prayer, journaling, or meditation.

– Be mindful of your actions: Be aware of your thoughts, words, and actions, and strive to live a more virtuous life.

– Seek guidance: Consult with a spiritual director, priest, or mentor for guidance and support.

ALSO READ: PDP Crisis: I’m Not a Born Again Christian, If You Slap Me; I’ll Slap You Back – Wike

By following these DO’s and DON’Ts, you can deepen your faith and emerge stronger and more compassionate on Easter Sunday.

Credit: Egalitarian Voice 


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Segun Akinlabi

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