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“Don’t miss a great wife because you are following tradition”- Relationship Expert Gives Advice To Men

Relationship coach Oladele Oluwaseun advises men to value good women who can support them emotionally and spiritually, even if they can’t cook well. He points out that many men have missed out on wonderful partners because of this issue.She mentioned that many men today prefer women who can cook, have children, and manage the home.

Relationship coach Oladele Oluwaseun advises men to value good women who can support them emotionally and spiritually, even if they can’t cook well.

He points out that many men have missed out on wonderful partners because of this issue.

She mentioned that many men today prefer women who can cook, have children, and manage the home, but they often overlook women who are focused on business and partnership.


In her words, she said;

“Some men have missed the great woman God has ordained for them because they are looking for someone to cook and birth their children! They missed the great friend, cheer leader, soul mate, prayer partner, business partner, gist partner, comforter, encourager, life support she would have been if they have valued her beyond her culinary skills and v∆gina,” she wrote in a Facebook post on Thursday.

“There is more to a woman than cooking and having sex bro! She is in here to help you, support you and help you become great! Don’t miss the Gold because you enjoy wearing Gold Circle C0nd0m! Value the woman in your life beyond her ability to cook!

There is no big deal about cooking really! Cooking is just the ability to mix the right things at the right time! You can get a chef if you need in continental dishes in your home and if you can cook, why not get into the kitchen, who says a man can’t cook?

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I’m not justifying the inability to cook. Don’t misunderstand me. Neither am I saying women should not cook for their family. Ladies who can’t cook should endeavour to attend catering school or simply watch some videos online or learn from others. You can’t know how to cook everything on earth before getting married but you can learn the basics.


Some ladies don’t know how to cook not because they are lazy but because they came from a poor background where they could not afford good meals talk less of cooking them.


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My mum didn’t cook 3 meals daily while growing up. I could remember us buying food to eat. She rarely cooked because she could not afford it.

My fiancée taught me how to prepare certain meals. I also learned from others. My children told me I am the best cook in the world. Hubby says my dishes taste like those from restaurants. I keep learning daily.

Don’t miss a great wife because you are following tradition. Follow the word of God and you will enjoy peace of mind and pure bliss in your marriage.

The primary purpose of a woman coming into your life is to help you fulfil your destiny! You will not miss your soul mate in Jesus’ name!

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