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Call For Applications: Stephen Akintayo Foundation Business Grant For MSMEs, Startups

Call For Applications: Stephen Akintayo Foundation Business Grant For MSMEs, Startups

At the Stephen Akintayo Foundation, our mission is to influence Africa’s future through education. We firmly believe that education is the catalyst for progress, empowering individuals to shape their destinies and contribute to our continent’s advancement.

Through this grant, we are committed to nurturing aspiring minds, fostering innovation, and paving the way for a brighter tomorrow. In previous years, the SAF grant exclusively supported Africans within Africa. However, in 2024, we are expanding our impact as the grant reaches 9 countries across 4 continents, benefiting Africans within and beyond the continent. Applications are now open.

Call For Registrations: Presidential Palliative Program Grant And Loan For Nigeria SMEs ( N50,000 Grant to 1million Businesses and 75bn loans)

Call For Registrations: United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Traineeship 2024

You are eligible to apply if:

Your business is technology and SDG-driven.

If you’re an African from the following countries: Nigeria, South Africa, Cameroon, Canada, Kenya, Egypt, Dubai, UK and US


What we require for your application

  1. CAC Certificate
  2. Business Proposal
  3. Personal Profile
  4. 1-minute Video Pitch
  5. Head Shot Photo
  6. Personal Email Address
  7. Business Email Address
  8. 1-minute Video Pitch

How to Participate

Particpate in the Stephen Akintayo Foundation

Applying and participating for the Stephen Akintayo Foundation grants is really easy. Follow the steps below, and be on your way to claiming $5,000

Click HERE to apply and submit all required documents.

  • Top 10 will be shortlisted
  • Shortlisted applicants will pitch their business before expert judges
  • Winners will be selected by the judges based on performance.

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Segun Akinlabi

Media Blogger

EgalitarianVoice is a subsidiary of EGALITARIAN MEDIA HUB, it is a blog that keeps you up to date latest news and updates all around the world.

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The site is managed by Egalitarian Segun AKINLABI who is the Editor-in-chief, others editors from Egalitarian Team Oyo State, Nigeria.


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