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Beware: We are not recruiting yet, FG warns Nigerians

The Federal Civil Service Commission as made the announcement that the circulating job vacancies on the internet is not from their desk. According to the reports, the massive nationwide hiring drive for positions in Ministries, Departments, and Agencies has caught the attention of the commission is false.

In a statement by Permanent Secretary, Dr. Mary Ogbe, the Federal Civil Service Commission hereby emphatically declare that the fictitious “massive nation wide recruitment” only exist in the figment of imagination of the writer. It is Fake News, which should be discarded and ignored by the general public especially job seekers.

“Furthermore, it presupposes that the writer’s motive is to mislead and misinform the public for his selfish interests.

“To this end, the Management of the Federal Civil Service Commission wishes to reiterate that there is no massive nation wide recruitment into the federal civil service. The news item is Fake in its entirety and, should be ignored by the general public.

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Segun Akinlabi

Media Blogger

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