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All You Need To Know About Trending Nigerian Street Slang ‘IDAN’

All You Need To Know About Trending Nigerian Street Slang ‘IDAN

The hashtag ‘Idan’ is the latest Nigerian street slang that has been trending on social media for some days now.

The word has become a prevalent way of expressing admiration and respect for influential and wealthy individuals in Nigerian culture.


What is Idan?

It is a Yoruba word meaning “magic” or “charming”. Other synonyms are supernatural, exceptional, wonder, glamorous, fascinating, etc.

Examples of its usage on social media
Below are some examples of how ‘Idan’ is being used in Nigerian parlance:

Example: Idans do not take notes in class, but get As during exams

Meaning: Someone who is super intelligent and exceptional in what he does

Example: Idans withdraw money without joining ATM queues

Meaning: Someone who is influential in what he does

ALSO READ: From Street To Stardom: Meet the Edo born International Star, Victor Oshimen 

Example: Aliko Dangote is a real Idan when it comes to business.

Meaning: Someone who is good with business or a very successful. businesswoman.

Credit: Tribune Online

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Segun Akinlabi

Media Blogger

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