….met with Ogbomoso Billionaire Philanthropist, Maigida

Chief Waheed Ajao Adurodekun has added a new dimension in his perspective towards the realization of Engr. (Dr.) Jubril Dotun Sanusi becoming the next GOVERNOR of Oyo state come year 2027.
In a clandestine moves, the PDP Chieftain has commenced meeting with prominent and illustrious citizens of the state towards developing synergy with Engr. Dotun Sanusi on issues that bother on overall development of Oyo state.
This disclosure was made while the foremost mobilizer for Chief Dotun Sanusi ‘s Governorship Project met with a well respected and illustrious Ogbomoso born billionaire at his residence in Ogbomoso.
During the meeting with Dr Samson Adewole Adegoke “Maigida”,a discreet philanthropist based in Ogbomoso town,who has that track records of impacts in many areas of human endeavours like chief Dotun Sanusi in Ibadan , Adurodekun sought synergy of the well respected influecer to synergize with Chief Dotun Sanusi,who shares similar focus towards making significant contributions to their immediate environment, community, townsstate and nation , invariably the global arena.
In attendance at the meeting was Mr Awujoola Gabriel Aremu, a refined politician,who once served as the Secretary of Ogbomoso South LG, during the hey days of Late Governor Adebayo Alao-Akala.
Chief Waheed Adurocekun appealed that all public spirited and patriotic Indigenes of Oyo state,who share vision for progress and development need ,come together and lift our dear Oyo state to Greater Heights.
In his response,the Ogbomoso born philanthropist said he would love to synergize with Chief Dotun Sanusi on moving Oyo state forward.
The many philanthropic gestures of “Maigida” were highlighted by a newbreed young PDP politician,Prince Jibola,a close associate,who recounted of how in Dr Samson Adewole Adegokeq “Maigida” empowered hundreds of beneficiaries models of vehicles,similarly the intervention and provision of boreholes freely to many benwficiaries across the length and breadth of Ogbomoso zone in Oyo state.
Prince Jibola in attendance at the meeting,has also indulged in educational assistance and other Empowerment for many Ogbomoso Indigenes.
Maigida availed the opportunity to tell chief Dotun Sanusi ,to always extend his philanthropic gestures to people and places in Ogbomoso land.
Adurodekun shared the mood of the meeting for the duo and others with similar demeanour, to join hands with Chief Dotun and move Oyo state forward not minding political navigation.